Manitoba Heritage House

Reid Dickie

Fairbanks Mansion, Emerson, MB

         Another Italianate beauty in southern Manitoba! Built in 1880-81 on the north side of Emerson between Second and Third Streets, lawyer, real estate broker and municipal official William Newton Fairbanks spared no expense constructing his mansion. A true and wonderous example of the Italianate Villa Style, which was just becoming popular in North America, the pile sports low-pitched roof,  tower, extended eaves, arched windows, angular bay windows and a sense of Mediterranean wealth.  Constructed of “Emerson” brick – distinctive yellow brick with pink undertones – produced in Emerson’s early brickyard. The house had been the residence of the Forrester family for over 100 years. Today it stands empty and unprotected by any kind of historic designation.



Filed under Heritage Buildings, Houses, Manitobans of Note, Pioneers

6 responses to “Manitoba Heritage House

  1. marilyn

    It is currently owned by Muriel and Don Rivers whom are sloely restoring it

    • Hi Marilyn,

      Thanks for the information. So glad to hear the old pile is being loved and tended. Heartwarming, really! The house is a pleasure to behold. Thanks for reading my blog. Reid

  2. I am glad to hear it is being restored also. I used to take piano lessons in the house in the 1960s taught by old Mrs. Forrester…

  3. Lisa

    My family used to own this house. Would love to see it restored. It’s such a gem.

  4. Lisa

    My grandmother was born in this house. Am so curious as to what it looks like inside today. Can anyone tell me how to get in touch with the current owners?

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